Smoke and Tobacco Free PSA Contest

Every year, Breathe holds a contest asking students in middle and high school to make an original smoke and tobacco free Public Service Announcement (PSA) to support community and peer-to-peer education.
Youth Advisory Board (YAB)

The Youth Advisory Board (YAB) is open to anyone 14-19 years old living in Sacramento County who are interested in joining BREATHE’s efforts in education, policy, advocacy, and research. Membership applications for the 2023-2024 academic year are now available!
Tobacco-Free Screens

A project from Breathe California Sacramento Region and Truth Initiative to analyze and reduce the impact of tobacco depictions in media. Become a youth or young adult volunteer today!
Smoke-Free Sacramento Project

Breathe’s Smoke Free Sacramento Project is focused on protecting Sacramento County residents from secondhand and thirdhand smoke in outdoor worksites, parks, and recreation areas, and in multi-unit housing by educating the community and advocating for policies that protect lung health.
Quitting Tobacco Resources

Breathe supports a tobacco-free community, but we know quitting can be hard. We are here to help start your quitting journey today.