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Smoke-Free Sacramento Project


Smoke-Free Sacramento is a five-year project funded by the California Tobacco Control Program that is focused on protecting Sacramento County residents from the harms and negative impacts of commercial tobacco. This project is focused on four key objectives:

  1. Smoke-free outdoor worksites
  2. Smoke-free parks and recreation areas (American River Parkway)
  3. Smoke-free multi-unit housing
  4. Youth Advisory Board (YAB)

The core goals of the first three objectives are to reduce exposure to secondhand and thirdhand smoke exposure and reduce health disparities that exist around tobacco in Sacramento County. This includes protecting outdoor workers who are not granted the same protections that indoor workers receive under AB-13 that was enacted in 1995. The project goals also include creating safe, healthy and tobacco free outdoor recreation environments for children, pets, and community members to enjoy. Our community members also have a right to live in a smoke-free home and be safe from exposure to secondhand and thirdhand smoke, even when they are living in an apartment or other multi-unit housing. The last objective on this project is focused on a county wide Youth Advisory Board that is designed to teach Sacramento County students how to become youth and young adult advocates around the issue of tobacco through projects, trainings, and community engagement.

If you are interested in learning more about this project, are interested in volunteering, or want to know ways you can help, please contact