Where There’s Fire, There’s Smoke
Thank you for registering for Where There’s Fire, There’s Smoke, brought to you by 350 Sacramento, Breathe California Sacramento Region, Citizens Climate Lobby, Environmental Council of Sacramento, Sierra Club, and WalkSacramento.
If you were not able to attend, or would like to watch this webinar again, here is a link to the recording of the webinar:
We appreciate your patience and understanding as we navigated through technical difficulties of the webinar.
Below are the links from the speakers used in their presentation, and the power point slides from Dana Nuccitelli and Dr. Jeff Williams, PH. D.
Links from the Speakers at the Where There's Fire Event
Dana Wildfires May 13Reducing Exposure to Wildfire Smoke Dr. Williams Slides
We hope you learned about why wildfires are increasing, and learned practical information on protecting yourself from smoke, what you can do at home, and about the Sacramento County Climate Action Plan and how to contribute your ideas to keeping Sacramento safe from wildfire smoke.
Thank you especially to our speakers:
- Dana Nuccitelli, Environmental Scientist & Climate Journalist
- Dr. Helene Margolis, Ph. D., Epidemiologist, UC Davis
- Dr. Jeff Williams, Ph. D., Air Pollution Specialist, CARB
- Earl Withycombe, Air Pollution Specialist, CARB
- Michelle Manning, Climate Activist
- Our moderator, Kiara Reed, Executive Director, WalkSacramento.
Thank you and if you have any questions for any of the speakers during this presentation, please do reach out to Nicole Grady at NGrady@sacbreathe.org.